WP Frontend Admin now integrates with Wildcloud, enabling platform creation without WP Multisite or WP Ultimo. Benefits include improved performance, admin workflow, security, and reliability. Check out our free course on how to create a multitenant platform.

In this lesson, we will show you the plugins and themes you need to build a platform like this.

These plugins will make your work easier because you won’t have to program anything.

List of required plugins

1- Customizer Export/Import (free)

We will use this plugin to easily import the customizer options to make your platform look like ours with just a few clicks.

2- Elementor Website Builder (free version)

We will use the free version of the Elementor plugin to create your platform pages easily. The good thing is that you won’t have to manually create each page because we have importable templates so you only change minor details like colors, fonts, images, etc.

3- Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks (free)

This plugin will add dynamic options to the free version of Elementor so that you can use global logo and global menu in the dashboard, to avoid making many changes manually.

4- Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer (free)

When customers buy food in the restaurant, they will receive an invoice to their email, and we will use this plugin to customize the emails that the restaurant clients receive.

5- Kaya QR Code Generator (free)

Restaurant owners on your platform will be able to use a QR code so that visitors to the restaurant can access the menu by simply scanning it. This is very convenient to boost biosecurity, save money on printing menus, etc.

6- Shortcode in Menus (free)

We will use this plugin to add “logout”, “login”, and “view site” shortcodes to the dashboard navigation menu.

7- WooCommerce (free)

WooCommerce will be used for the ecommerce features required by the restaurant. Every meal will be a product and the payments will be processed by WooCommerce.

8- WooCommerce Autorefresh Order Page (free)

We will display the list of orders in the global frontend dashboard. We will use this plugin for the orders’ page to auto-refresh periodically.

9- WP Menu Icons (free)

We’ll add icons to the dashboard navigation menus.

10- WP Ultimo (paid)

WP Ultimo adds a system to monetize your WordPress multisite network through membership plans. Every restaurant will purchase a membership plan, use custom domains, etc.

11- WooCommerce Food (paid)

This plugin modifies the WooCommerce create/edit products form to convert them into meal creation forms where you can set food types, flavors, nutritional information, meal addons, etc.

12- WP Frontend Admin (paid)

Restaurant administrators won’t have to know how to use WordPress because all the sites in the network will be managed from a beautiful frontend dashboard. This plugin will allow you to display all the necessary wp-admin pages on the frontend to build a user interface completely different from the normal WordPress dashboard.

Try plugin for free

You can try the premium plugin on your website for free for 7 days.

13- JetSticky for Elementor (free) – Optional

This plugin is useful for some of our frontend dashboard templates, as it allows us to add sticky style for Elementor sections. Depending on which template you’ll use, you may need it.

List of required/recommended themes

1- Kadence Theme (free)

This is a free, fully customizable WordPress theme, so it will be very useful for you to change every aspect of your sites’ appearance.

IMPORTANT – All the plugins mentioned and the theme need to be network-active.


If you have a premium license of WP Frontend Admin, you can download the full backup of our restaurants platform, so you can import it on your site and everything shown in this course will be already configured for you. It will save you a lot of time.

Platform for WP Ultimo 1.x

Platform for WP Ultimo 2.x
