The page has taken too long to load. There is probably an error…

This is the most common error you might experience when creating a frontend page with our plugin. Here you have several of the most common fixes for this issue.

1- The user’s permissions

One of the most common reasons for this error to show is that the user you are testing with doesn’t have enough permissions to see the backend page in the frontend. This happens because even though our plugin will show the content on the frontend, WordPress security measures are still needed, so for example, if you want to show the “create new post” page on the frontend, but the user doesn’t have the “create_post” capability on its user role, then the plugin will display the error message.

What you need to do is to add the capability to the user by using the User Role Editor Plugin, this plugin will allow you to access the permissions options of each user role and edit them. Add the necessary capabilities and now the user should be able to see the frontend page.

For example. If you’re trying to display a course editor in the front end and you try to view the page with a subscriber user, it won’t load because the subscriber doesn’t have the required capability to create courses. So you either have to give them a higher role like “course instructor” or you can give them the edit_courses, create_course capabilities specifically.

Note: We have designed our plugin to help you the most in these cases, that’s why you will find a list of the recommended user roles you need to use to see the frontend page on the quick settings panel as shown in this screenshot:

user role quick settings panel2- The shortcode was not entered correctly

If you used the automatic method to show the page in the frontend (that is, clicking on the “view on the frontend” button at the top of the page) then you can skip this step. But if you use the manual method and added the shortcode to your pages by copy pasting or manually typed the shortcode, you need to make sure the shortcode was entered correctly, even a small mistake could cause an error. Make sure you

  • Don’t have any spaces between the characters.
  • Entered the URL correctly. We accept full URLs (example: or relative URLs (example: edit.php).
  • Don’t enter HTTPS if you don’t have SSL certificate on your site. Use HTTPS if you have a SSL certificate.
  • The shortcode is not wrapped in any html tag like b, span, pre, code
  • The shortcode was added to the page as plain text and not as a formatted text. For example, sometimes you copy paste the shortcode from a website and the paste includes formatting like bold text.
  • Also, make sure the URL in the shortcode is working properly for you as an administrator. You can copy the URL from the shortcode and open it in a new browser tab and see if it’s the correct page. Sometimes people add a broken url or the page doesn’t exist in wp-admin because they uninstalled another plugin that created the page. For example, if you deactivated the plugin “WooCommerce”, our shortcodes referencing WooCommerce pages will have a broken URL and not load

Note: To better understand how the shortcode works, please click here.

If the possible solutions mentioned above don’t work, it could be a technical error which we will fix, you should contact us directly on our live chat or email with the following information:

1- A WP Admin account to check the settings with administrator role
2- A User account to test the page in the front end
3- The URL of the page you want to show on the frontend

Do you need help?

You can receive faster help in the live chat during business hours, or you can contact us and we will help you via email.