Understanding the General Settings

You can access the general settings by going to WP Frontend Admin > Settings > General.

wp frontend admin general settings

Add “Edit” link after post content:

Most themes show an “Edit” link or button in the post pages so administrators can click and open the post editor.

You can activate this option and our plugin will change the edit link to send people to the frontend editor instead of the backend editor.

The display of the edit link depends on your theme, we just change the URL.

Disable the quick settings:

WP Frontend Admin displays a left panel where you view pages that use our shortcode. This panel allows you to hide elements, edit texts, etc.

Activate this option to disable the left panel (our frontend editor). Keep in mind that this panel appears for you as administrator only, your other users will not see it.

Disable the wp-admin notices when viewing on the frontend:

Usually, WordPress displays notifications about updates or upgrades to pro plans for plugins and themes. If you don’t want your users to see these notifications on the frontend pages, you can tick this option to disable them. Just keep in mind that some important notifications for users might not be displayed as well. For example, notifications about new items added or submissions accepted by the admin could be hidden if the other plugins use the WordPress notices system as their notification system.

Redirect users to this page after publishing a post:

If you create a platform where users can publish posts, products, or any other type of custom post, or if you create a dashboard for users to create items, you can select any of the following options to redirect users after they hit publish.

  1. Redirect to the list of posts.
  2. Redirect to create a new post.

Redirect users to this page after creating a post with pending review status:

If users do not publish the posts, but submit them for review and leave them with a “pending review” status, you can select any of the following options to redirect them once they click on “Save as pending”.

  1. Redirect to the list of posts.
  2. Redirect to create a new post.

wp frontend admin general settings

Disable the message indicating why a page didn’t load:

Some pages don’t load for many reasons, maybe the plugin that added the page is deactivated so the URL is “broken”, or maybe the user doesn’t have the required role or capabilities. By default, we show a message for administrators to know why the page didn’t load, this can help you debug issues. You can deactivate this if you don’t want to see those help tips.

Hide pages containing our shortcode:

Since WP Frontend Admin allows you to display any section of wp-admin in the frontend, you can create a frontend page with the page list for users to create new pages and edit existing ones. In that case, it is better to hide the pages containing our shortcode so that users do not have access to edit “system/dashboard pages”. You can hide the pages containing the WP Frontend Admin shortcode by ticking this option.

Use Elementor as default post/page editor:

When we display the “Edit” link below the post content, you can check this option for users to be redirected to the Elementor editor directly as the default editor. This change will apply to all users, except the administrator, or super admin if you are using a multi-site network.

You need to activate the option Add “Edit” link after post content, and this elementor option will just change the link to open the elementor editor on the frontend instead of the gutenberg/classic editor.

Restrict post types to only display/edit posts created by the current user:

If you create a frontend page with the list of products, posts, or any other custom post type, you can use the Quick Settings panel to select whether you want the users to see their own posts only.

Also, if you wish, you can add post types in this field as a global configuration, and in all pages that show this post type, the user will see their posts only by default. You will no longer have to check that option in the Quick Settings panel.

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