1. Use the shortcode: [vg_display_edit_link] to display edit link on any post or page and open the frontend editor
  2. When you view a “wp-admin page” in the frontend, we create a normal page with a shortcode behind the scenes. You can find the page in wp-admin > pages and edit it as a normal page, you can change the page template, use a page builder, add more content using the normal editor or page builder, change the SEO settings, etc. Everything works as a normal page.
  3. You can tweak the page permissions by editing the shortcode parameters. Use allowed_roles for a list of user roles that can view the page, required_capabilities for a list of required capabilities, allowed_user_ids for a list of specific user IDs who can view this page. IMPORTANT. These parameters let you increase the admin page permissions, but not reduce them. If the admin page requires “administrator” role, the allowed_roles parameter won’t work. These parameters are intended for limiting access to the default users who can view this page, not to allow users who cant view this page by default. Usage example: [vg_frontend_admin page_url=”” allowed_roles=”editor,author” allowed_user_ids=”89,45″ required_capabilities=”manage_options”]
  4. Note. You can use this placeholder {{user_id}} in the shortcode URL if you need the current user id.
    All URL parameters are forwarded into the admin URL. For example, if the admin page requires ?post=100, you can add ?post=100 in the frontend URL and it will work. The same with URL hashes (i.e. #xxxx)
  5. The pages in the frontend are available for logged in users only and require the same user role/permissions required in the wp-admin. If a page in wp-admin requires “administrator” permissions, only “administrators” will be able to view it on the frontend.
  6. You can use the parameter use_desktop_in_mobile=”1″ in the shortcode to display the desktop view on mobile, this is useful when the admin page is not mobile responsive
  7. Access restriction feature.

The access restriction works like this:

Step 1- You select the URL for the normal users
(people who use your frontend dashboard).
And they will see only those URLs.

For example.
a) You allow your users to publish posts in the frontend.
b) You should enter the URL of the wp-admin page to publish posts
And they won’t be able to see other wp-admin pages by mistake.

If they visit the wp-admin > profile page, or wp-admin > posts > categories pages directly they will be redirected to the homepage.

If you enable this feature, you should add all the wp-admin pages that you want your users to access. If you forget to add an URL, the users won’t be able to use it.

Step 2- You select the “capability” to bypass those restrictions.
For example. You select “manage_network” and the super admins can view everything in wp-admin, or “manage_options” and only the administrators can view everything in wp-admin.

Another example:
– I allow users with “administrator” role to install plugins in the frontend dashboard
– So I add the http://site.com/wp-admin/plugin-install.php URL to the “whitelist” option
– And capability = manage_network.

This means that users with administrator role can see the plugin install page in the frontend and all the other wp-admin pages are blocked in the frontend dashboard and wp-admin dashboard.

This is useful if you want to display a page in the frontend that requires administrator role. So you can give them administrator role to trusted users and restrict them to that page and they won’t access other pages by mistake.

Note. This is not a security feature. You should give administrator role to trusted users only because they still can do dangerous things. This is not a security feature, it’s a “convenient feature” to prevent users from going to unnecessary pages by mistake.