When you complete a purchase through our website you get a non-exclusive limited license to use the “WP Frontend Admin” plugin and other products sold through our website (https://wpfrontendadmin.com) by VegaCorp S.A. de C.V..
All references to “our product”, “WP Frontend Admin”, ” Frontend Admin”, or “our item” throughout this document refer to the product “WP Frontend Admin” sold through this website.
We provide different kinds of licenses that you can purchase through our website (Standard or Platform). All licenses share some conditions and some of them have their own limitations. You are free to purchase the license that best suits you.
Definition: An End Product is one of the following things, both requiring an application of skill and effort.
- (a) The End Product is a customised implementation of the product (WP Frontend Admin).
For example: you use our plugin to create a front end dashboard for a courses website where instructors can publish courses, and the end product uses our code fully or partially to achieve those features.
- (b) An End Product is a work that incorporates our product (WP Frontend Admin) as well as other things, so that it is larger in scope and different in nature than the Item.
For example: our product is used to create a front end dashboard for a WaaS or multisite platform and the end product is a website where our product was installed.
Third party checkout and license management
We use a third party platform named Freemius, Inc. (https://freemius.com).
We sell our product(s) using Freemius secure checkout, which enables secure online payments, licensing, fulfillment, and more. The service automatically adds cookies when a user opens the checkout. Those are essential cookies for security, fraud detection & prevention, and completion of a purchase. There’s no way to check out without letting the service use cookies.
Here’s a link to the Freemius privacy policy and its checkout cookie policy. If you wish to opt-out of Freemius’ cookies setting please go to their cookie policy and follow their opt-out instructions.
Freemius is fully GDPR compliant.
Conditions of the Standard license
1- You are licensed to use the product (WP Frontend Admin) on regular WordPress sites (not multisite networks). The number of sites where the license can be used depend on the license quota that you purchased. We offer licenses for one site, 5 sites, or a custom amount of sites.
Conditions of the Platform license
1- You are licensed to use the product (WP Frontend Admin) on WordPress multisite networks and WaaS platforms, and the license covers an unlimited amount of subsites in the network.
2- You are allowed to use the product on an unlimited amount of standalone sites (not multisite networks) as well
3- You are allowed to access special content available on our website that explicitely says that it requires the Platform plan, the content can vary and it could include courses, templates or designs, special technical support, or any other content offered in our website that explicitely says that it requires the Platform plan.
We have the right to remove any content (course, templates, designs, etc) from the website at anytime, either temporarily or permanently. You will always have access to the software and software updates as long as you have an active license.
Shared conditions among all the licenses available
1- You can create for clients the number of End Products allowed by your license, and you can transfer that single End Product to your client for any fee. Your client gets usage permissions to allow them to use the End product you created for them, but you are the owner of the license and you will be the only person with access to our support and updates.
2- You can modify or manipulate our product. You can combine the product with other works and make a derivative work from it. The resulting works are subject to the terms of the license of our product that you bought.
For example, you can buy the WP Frontend Admin plugin, modify the color scheme, and use it on your website or client´s website. But the final plugin will still be subject to these terms and license conditions.
3- Your client can´t sell the end product to anyone unless he´s selling his/her entire business, in which case the new buyer will inherit the license and must follow these conditions (If you or your client want to Sell the End Product multiple times (commercial product), you need to contact us to get a license that allows it.)
4- You can’t re-distribute the product as stock, in a tool , platform, application, or template, or with source files. You can’t do this with the product either on its own or bundled with other items, and even if you modify the Item. You can’t re-distribute or make available the Item as-is or with superficial modifications. These things are not allowed even if the re-distribution is for Free.
For example, you can´t purchase the WP Frontend Admin, modify the design, and resell it as a new plugin.
The platform plan allows you to create commercial WaaS or multisite platforms using our plugin, and you can charge people for using the platform. However, you’re not allowed to package it into a downloadable item (single product or packaged platform) and sell it.
5- Although you can modify the product and therefore delete unwanted components before creating your single End Product, you can’t extract and use a single component on a stand-alone basis.
6- You must not permit an end user (client) of the End Product to extract the product and use it separately from the End Product.
For example, take the WP Frontend Admin plugin and install it in other sites that you don’t control.
7- The product´s (WP Frontend Admin) code is split licensed.
The PHP component and HTML rendered and/or generated by the PHP (not the HTML generated from the JavaScript) are covered by the GPL license.
The rest of the components included by the product (such as the JavaScript, CSS, images, graphics, design, photos, etc) that were developed by VegaCorp S.A. de C.V. are covered by the license provided by VegaCorp S.A. de C.V., which is especified in this document.
The rest of components that are not coded in PHP and HTML, and were not developed by VegaCorp S.A. de C.V. come from third parties. Most of them (or all) are open source packages that can be downloaded freely around the web, others might be commercial packages for which VegaCorp S.A. de C.V. has purchased a license to be able to include them in a commercial package (WP Frontend Admin). Each of those packages has its own license.
8- VegaCorp S.A. de C.V. can terminate your license(s) if you breach it these terms. If that happens, you must stop making copies of or distributing the End Product until you remove the Item from it, and you will no longer have access to our support site (wpfrontendadmin.com), updates, special content, and premium features.
9- If you purchase an annual license and you don’t renew the license, you will lose access to the premium features.
10- VegaCorp S.A. de C.V. retains full ownership of the product but grants you the license to use on these terms. This license is between VegaCorp S.A. de C.V. and you.